Okay, a bit off topic here (and a little weird, but that’s how my mind works), but hang with me….. I was thinking last night about how much gets written about sales and startups. I consider myself a pretty decent sales guy with the conferences (and I
Read more →My long-time business partner, Phil Becker, describes the last four weeks leading up to a conference as being “in the chute.” Which is to say, you’re a bull or bronco rider at a rodeo, you hop on, find your grip, gain your balance, mind-racing, heart-pumping, and give
Read more →Sixteen days to Defrag. Do you have your ticket yet? As if the content and sessions and networking wasn’t enough, we’re bringing the new hotness to Defrag. Blekko, which is in the WSJ this morning is coming to speak (and Blekko’s REALLY cool, you should check it
Read more →I’m writing this morning in a text editor, as I wait for internet to be restored at my house. And I’m suddenly thinking that I’ve got to get a 3G iPad or a mifi device (or an HTC Evo), because MAN do I feel cut-off from the
Read more →Two important things to note on a busy Thursday morning: 1. Our discounted hotel room rate expires tomorrow. I’ve looked around and this is the cheapest rate you can get within a three mile radius of the conference - plus, you’ll be right there where the action
Read more →It’s a question that I hear probably 6-8 times per “conference cycle” (ie, 6 to 8 times per year for every conference I run): “Why don’t you move Defrag to California?” Now admittedly, my personality bristles a bit at the suggestion. Over the years, I’ve tried to
Read more →Is it me, or does it just feel *weird* this morning? TIPS bonds (inflation-indexed gov’t bonds) are selling at a negative yield (i.e., buyers are betting on an unexpected and sudden jump in inflation), there’s a hurricane-sized storm barreling into the midwest (at least if measured by
Read more →Having taken a look at day 1 of Defrag, I wanted to glance at morning 2. Where day one’s morning keynotes were focused on culture and innovation, day two begins to lead us down roads of knowing, data and getting smarter. We kick things off with David
Read more →Previously, I looked at the first morning of Defrag — a broad set of topics that zero in on culture and innovation. Coming out of Lunch on Day 1, we have Dion Hinchcliffe addressing the Future of Social Analytics. This is a topic that’s near and dear
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