Nov. 14-15, 2012 Broomfield, Colorado

Archive for the ‘industry stuff’ Category

Being everywhere and finding advocates

There’s some buzz going around today about Jason Calacanis’ email send about PR and startups. Like most folks, I largely agree with Jason’s missive, and I’d recommend that startups soak it in. Specifically, though, I wanted to focus in on “#2. Be Everywhere” — wherein Jason says:

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Let the good times roll

I’m pretty optimistic by nature (isn’t every entrepreneur?). But I’m also a realist - and by realist, I mean that I tend to spend an inordinate amount of time observing “macro-trends.” Lately, things have just been “feeling” better in the stock market. Sure, the bears are talking

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Beyond Incrementalism 2.0

I spent some time this weekend “thinking big” about the state of things in our little world called “technology.” What spurred it on was several conversations I’ve had as of late (with folks like Jeff Nolan and others) where this idea that “everything has just gotten incremental”

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Fun with the “Contrarian Jason” indicator

Defrag advisor and friend, Paul Kedrosky likes data. Several months back, we were joking via email about “contrarian indicators” - or the idea that you can derive useful intelligence by going against a prominent opinion. So, for example, when Time magazine puts a “recession” on the cover,

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More ya-ya for the gumbo

Brian Oberkirch is one of my favorite bloggers for several reasons: 1) he’s from nawlins (that’s “New Orleans”); 2) he’s one helluva writer; and 3) he’s always thinking really cool thoughts. And so, when I read Brian saying that he feels like the internet conversation is becoming

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The SharePoint and collaboration driver

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“That is not possible” - oh really?

One of the things that was top of my mind when Brad and I first spoke about launching Defrag was to get tech folks out of California; to highlight the fact that innovation occurs all over the place, while giving our California friends a chance to step

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“around the US?”

I just read this post about Facebook choosing their first possible companies to fund — and the good news is that the companies get to present at locations “around the US.” Quoting: “We’re scheduling a series of events around the US at which we invite you to

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Congrats to NewsGator

I’ve been “out of the office” for a few days, and am returning to find that NewsGator has closed on a new round of funding. Huge congratulations to the team there. I’ve known Jeff Nolan for several years, and have recently gotten to know Greg and JB.

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Mourning Marc’s passing

I met Marc Orchant only once — at the most recent Defrag. In the few minutes that we spent interacting, I found Marc to be a highly engaging, open and giving individual. And everything I’ve heard from his peers supports my sentiment and so much more. And

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