Nov. 14-15, 2012 Broomfield, Colorado

Archive for the ‘sponsors’ Category

Some friday morning updates

A couple of notes and a thought: 1. Welcome to Siderean, as they have joined the ranks of Defrag sponsors. I’m getting very close to declaring “sold out” on the sponsor side — which makes me exceedingly happy because I’m truly feeling like we’re going to have

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AdaptiveBlue joins Defrag

And the hits just keep on coming…. AdaptiveBlue has joined the list of Defrag sponsors - and we’re pleased as punch to have them. I’ve just begun to play with AdaptiveBlue’s offerings - more on that as I dig in. In the meantime, welcome aboard to Alex

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Two new sponsors

I try hard not to spend *all* of my time on this blog simply promoting Defrag (which is to say that I try to write something of substance when possible), but some days you just can’t help being happy…. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce

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Welcome to our newest sponsor - Dapper

I want to welcome our newest Silver sponsor to Defrag — Dapper. Read/WriteWeb has a great write-up of Dapper this morning — well worth the read. Btw, Read/WriteWeb is a media sponsor of Defrag…heck, who *isn’t* a sponsor of Defrag?!? [later: if you'd like to join the

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ThinkFree goes Gold

We begin the new Defrag week (where we’ll no doubt spend a lot of time talking about MIX) by adding ThinkFree as a Gold sponsor. Welcome guys! For those of you keeping track at home: Platinum Sponsor: BEA Systems Gold Sponsors: Newsgator and ThinkFree Silver Sponsors: HiveLive,

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Thinking about Discovery

(Disclosure: I’ve never used Twitter or Jaiku. For some reason, while I tend to explore the concepts of new technologies very early via things like Defrag, I tend to actually adopt those technologies very late.) Ross Mayfield has an interesting post on Jaiku — a company that

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Early Sponsors

I wanted to quickly point out our *very early* sponsors of Defrag (folks that have been on board since I floated this idea to them): Gold Sponsor: Newsgator Silver Sponsors: HiveLive and Lijit Breakfast Sponsor: Collective Intelligence In addition, we have several spectacular media and association sponsors:

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Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


Media Sponsors