As we head into Defrag year 5, I’ve been spending some time looking back on what we’ve talked about over the previous years. Defrag, like the tech industry in general, has really grown over the past five years. Defrag began by looking at “information overload” in its
Read more →It’s early on a Friday morning (I’ve been up since 3), and, in the context of continued silliness in D.C., it feels like a good time for a quick update of my working thesis regarding the economy and the tech sector. To refresh, check out my June
Read more →While we’re now hard at work on Glue, (and - yes - you should come) that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped thinking about Defrag. In fact, a few weeks back, I found myself putting some pieces together between World of Warcraft and Defrag. For those of you
Read more →One of the weird parts of my “job” is to look beyond what attendees say they want to hear more about, and give them things that I think they *should* hear more about (i.e., to provide them with stuff they haven’t thought of yet). Call it the
Read more →Daniela Barbosa, who will be speaking at Defrag about “pulling the thread on user data,” has an interesting post up about the recent debacle around United Airline’s stock drop. Essentially, here’s what happened: “the article in the Sun Sentinel’s archive had no date on it. But when
Read more →Not that anyone noticed, but Google launched a “browser” (Chrome) yesterday. It spurred me on to a bunch of thoughts (this post), which is odd only because I haven’t downloaded it yet (I’m on a Mac not running Windows), so I’m a bit like a blind man
Read more →(Alternative title of this post: “Is Enterprise 2.0 b*llsh*t?”) There’s been a bit of rumbling lately about enterprises not being satisfied with their “enterprise 2.0″ implementations — specifically, a McKinsey report that only 21% of respondents are satisfied with their implementations, while 22% are clearly dissatisfied (some
Read more →I’ve started to see some articles surface that are highlighting the problem of “defining enterprise 2.0.” I’m more than sympathetic to attempting such feats. Back when we started Digital ID World, “digital identity” was such an out-there concept that for the first two years of the conference,
Read more →I woke up this morning thinking about the “foundational information channels”: email, calendaring, RSS readers, flow applications (twitter). I’m placing those in contrast to foundational infrastructure (our network of contacts, digital identity, etc) - where “social networks” cross the boundary of platform and application (channel). In that
Read more →I spent some time this weekend “thinking big” about the state of things in our little world called “technology.” What spurred it on was several conversations I’ve had as of late (with folks like Jeff Nolan and others) where this idea that “everything has just gotten incremental”
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