Yikes. Apologies for the lack of blog posts - the month of May is flying by. I’ve been reading this post by Dare Obansanjo wherein Dare takes up the subject of “web 2.0″ adoption — or, more specifically, that early adopters are not the same as mainstream
Read more →Okay, its not really one post - but Sam Lawrence started something interesting this morning with this blog post: “The new inbox needs to be a goldpan…It should not only cut the rapids back to a quality stream but help me channel my attention so it’s applied
Read more →This morning I came across a phrase from Mike Gotta of Burton Group: “shared situational awareness.” The phrase comes in the context of talking about how Twitter is evolving into the mechanism by which we are letting each other know about everything else (including our “out of
Read more →From the beginning, Defrag has worked in the intersections of topics: implicit web, semantic web, collaboration, enterprise 2.0, etc. So, it seems fitting to see articles like this that highlight how vendors like Vignette are waking up to “social computing.””Social Computing” - for what its worth - seems to
Read more →I admit that I get a bit tired of the old “war” metaphor in all things IT. Yet, I did find this entry on “the end of software” rather interesting. Basically, the piece highlights how “social software” (enterprise 2.0y things) is getting bought by departments and functionaries
Read more →Fraser over at AdaptiveBlue has me thinking about the “semantic web” this morning. More specifically, he has me mulling over Matthew Ingram’s idea the the “semantic web” (as a talking point) is as boring as “dry toast.” AdaptiveBlue is what some folks might call a semantic web
Read more →Pete Warden has a post up about how “discovery” is different from “search.” We’ve included “next-level discovery” (embodied by companies like Lijit and AdaptiveBlue) as a defraggy topic since day one, and Pete does a great job of teasing out some nifty threads. The main points that
Read more →I’m pulling together a bunch of different threads and bread-crumbs today, and they may or may not make any sense when I’m done, so bear with me. Thread 1: Esther’s piece about The Coming Ad Revolution, specifically two quotes (strung together): “What might seem like a horribly
Read more →I’m a “cycles” guy. Which is to say that I’m always inherently looking for the cycle or analogy as I read news and history. This, of course, biases how I see the world (and could result in a much larger argument about whether/why history is cyclical or
Read more →I was musing on my morning walk about the similarities between the very first Digital ID World (2002) and the very first Defrag (in 4 weeks). The first DIDW (as we took to calling it) gathered together anyone we could find that was interested in digital identity.
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