Archive for the ‘sponsors’ Category

Educators, Brad and Women in Tech

It’s a Tuesday, I’m rocking out to the Rolling Stones’ “Exile on Main Street” album, and a few Defrag updates seemed appropriate. First off, check out the Aspirations in Computing Educator Award from the NCWIT. The award is meant to identify teachers that are positioned to have an

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Friday notes

I’ve got a couple of notes on a Friday morning, as we start the very early planning for Defrag: 1. I’m overjoyed to announce that Andy Kessler has agreed to be our opening keynote. Andy is, of course, a noted author and frequent contributor to the Op-Ed

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Beginning to eye Defrag

Believe it or not, we’re beginning to work on Defrag 2009. Please check out what past attendee’s thought of Defrag, and then consider attending this year’s iteration. Here’s what we’ve got cookin’ so far: 1. This year’s advisors include - Roger Ehrenberg Paul Kedrosky Chris Shipley Jerry

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Like a double-stuffed Oreo

So much has been happening around Defrag as of late that, while I’ve been letting it all flow out through Twitter, I’ve neglected to update this space. So, a brain dump. You should (by now) know that our advisory board includes: Esther Dyson- Founder of PC Forum,

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Gettin’ satisfied

Lane and the gang over at Get Satisfaction have released their API. Apparently, this will allow folks to build widgets and things to track conversation threads around the Get Satisfaction platform. Cool stuff, huh? It seems fitting that Get Satisfaction is the Birds of a Feather organizer

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The customer is always right - except when they’re dead wrong

Part of what I truly love about running Defrag is that I get to meet and interact with a bunch of young companies and entrepreneurs (who are often very experienced) — and lemme just say, ya gotta love the attitude! I did nothing but smile when I

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Twittering away and an update

First, apologies for the light posting here as of late. I’ve developed a new Twitter addiction, which you can follow here. Second, we’ve signed three great new sponsors up for Defrag this year: blist: blist is the world’s easiest database. blist is all about discovering, sharing, publishing,

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Platinums, Golds and Silvers - gone!

As of today, Defrag is officially sold out of our sponsorships (platinums, golds and silvers). We still have what industry folks call “MPOs,” or marketing/promotional opportunities — things like the lanyard/badge sponsorship, wifi sponsorship, etc — but if you were waiting around to actually be a sponsor

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Going, going…

I’m happy to report that as of this morning, we have ONE Defrag sponsorship left (a silver). We’ll be announcing the folks that have been buying out our platinums and golds in short order. After this last silver goes, the only “sponsorship opportunities” we’ll have left will

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BEA and Defrag

We’re very pleased to have BEA as a platinum sponsor of Defrag, and I’m working with the folks over there to get some of BEA’s customers on-stage to begin talking about how they’re “defragging” in their current initiatives. As a lead up to that in November, you

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