Nov. 14-15, 2012 Broomfield, Colorado

2 Things: Keynote Addition and Hotel Rooms

It’s a Saturday, and Defrag is 25 days away, so a quick post…

Two things:

1. I just confirmed Aneesh Chopra, CTO for the White House, as a Defrag keynoter. If you’re keeping track, you now have authorities in mobile (Tim Bray), big data (Roger Ehrenberg), tech policy (Aneesh Chopra), economics (Paul Kedrosky), business lessons (James Altucher), innovation in the enterprise (Robert Stephens and Adrian Cockcroft), social (Lili Cheng and Wendy Lea), and the nature of facts (Sam Arbesman) speaking at Defrag — and that isn’t even HALF of the keynotes.

I know it sounds like hyperbole, but it’s true: this agenda is going to blow your mind with new ideas.

2. Our hotel room block (the guarantee that we have rooms for the conference) expires this coming Friday. In other words, if you’re coming, get your room NOW. Or you might be sleeping in a van down by the river.

If you haven’t decided on whether or not to attend Defrag yet, let me offer up this: If you come, and don’t think it’s one of the top 5 tech conference experiences you’ve *ever* had, you find me and I’ll make it right. Personally.

Join us.

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