Five years ago, we started Defrag.
The “we” part of that sentence is always assumed to be Brad and Eric. Or maybe, Brad and Phil and Eric. But that’s not true.
Five years ago, I had built and sold a tech conference with two friends, but I’d never “done it on my own” — which is to say, run the whole damn thing from soup to nuts.
Five years ago, my wife was the woman I loved that I was living with (but not yet married to my dumb ass)…and she had never worked on a tech conference before. And then one night, over drinks at a tiny local bar on Siesta Key, I asked her if she’d be willing to take the plunge, and work with me on something (as I read that line back to myself, it’s ironic how much I phrase “founding Defrag” as if it were marriage). I knew she’d be great - she had all of the experience anyone would ever need to be great. Thankfully, she said yes.
Last night, during an epic St. Louis Cardinals win, she turned to me and said, “Five years, baby, I’m so proud of you.” The only thing I could say back was, “I’m so proud of us.” And that was just inadequate.
So, the next time someone says “we” started Defrag, please make sure to include my wife, Kim, in that sentence. She’s the iron-willed force that juggles millions of details, herds thousands of cats, and pulls it all together in what seems like some effortless move. Were it not for Kim, there wouldn’t be a Defrag.
I’m honored to have her as a co-founder, and I’m blessed to be able to work with her on a daily basis. Thank you, baby.
Kim - you are A+ #1 awesome. I probably wouldn’t put up with Eric if you weren’t part of the deal!
I’ll take the plunge with you any day baby.
No matter how “crazy”, “where are we going to find the time” or how “awesome” an idea is… I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Love you!
Eric -
From all the husband/wife teams out there, we thank you for this post. My husband and I have just co-founded a startup and are some prejudices out there about married co-founders. But our experience is that we know how to work together both in work and in life. Individually, we have excellent skills for what we are doing; together, we are unstoppable. I think so highly of my husband and his talent and I am honored to get this chance to work with him and build a company together.
Congrats to you and Kim for 5 years of Defrag and good luck with the upcomming conference.
Thanks Brad!
What a great comment Carrie! Lots of luck with the new startup!
Love it! How many conferences can people go to that are a real “family” thing? Keep up the great work, Kim and Eric!!!