Nov. 14-15, 2012 Broomfield, Colorado

One Month to Defrag and Blur

We’re now officially one month out from Defrag and Blur (ok, 29 days, but yesterday was a Sunday).

Over the next few weeks, we’ll lock down our few remaining speakers, sign our last one or two sponsors, announce a few surprises, and get ready to give every attendee a copy of Brad Feld’s and Kevin Kelly’s new books. Speakers will include:

Kevin Kelly (founding editor, Wired Magazine)

Adam Seligman (VP, Developer Evangelism,

Paul Kedrosky (Senior Research Fellow, Kauffman Foundation)

Ian Glazer (VP and Research Director, Gartner)

Laura Merling

Jeff Ma (inspiration for the movie, “21″)

Rachel Happe (The Community Roundtable)

Dion Hinchcliffe (The Dachis Group)

R Ray Wang (Constellation Research)

Peter Vanderauwera (SWIFT)

Bre Pettis (CEO, Makerbot)

Kwin Kramer (CEO, Oblong)

Jer Miller (Singly)

….and many, many more

There will be robots and social and cloud and big data and APIs…in short, everything you’ll need to refresh, reboot and re-orient yourself toward what’s ahead.

If you haven’t made plans yet to join us, I hope you’ll choose to do so today.

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