Defrag Blog

Archive for December, 2009

Wrapping up Defrag by looking ahead

by Eric Norlin on Dec.17, 2009, under Uncategorized

Inspired by recent theories around the nature of the time-space continuum, specifically that the past crystallizes out of the future, I thought I’d “wrap-up” Defrag by trying to look ahead to 2010 — and the in process of doing so offer up some “what I learned” thoughts.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t begin by saying that I’m continually amazed at and grateful to the folks that make up the “audience” (more properly, “participants”) at Defrag. The energy, enthusiasm and knowledge that all of you bring to the table is boundless. Every Defrag leaves me with constructive criticism alongside with your compliments -and I treasure both. We work all year long to exceed your expectations, and that will never change.

One of the key things I’ve learned from the folks at Defrag is that the group that assembles, for whatever reason, is roughly 12 months ahead of the pack in their thinking. And that plays into what I’ll say below.

So, where are we headed? In order to answer that, I want to frame things in the context of the macro-economy.

Prior to this year’s Defrag, I argued that we were in the beginning stages of a “productivity boom.” This productivity boom encompassed four parts (in my mind): 1) the internal collaborative solutions; 2) the externally facing solutions (social media); 3) the rise of the application marketplace in the enterprise; and 4) the imperative for enterprise IT to become agile (i.e., move to the cloud) in order to support 1, 2, and 3. I stand by that argument. In fact, Defrag only reinforced my belief in the fact that this productivity boom will play out over the next 3-5 years.

However, the macro-economic context that I said was amplifying this boom (the jobless recovery) remains in place, and leads me directly to what I think will happen in 2010. My personal macro-economic view is pretty static for 2010: things get better, things get worse, things get better as we roll back and forth through contradictory numbers for most of the year. While we might see an uptick in the recovery in the spring/summer timeframe, I expect that uptick to be short-lived — with a roll-over turn down erasing that uptick by the end of the year. Basically, I expect 2010 to be an ongoing refrain of Q3/Q4 in 2009. That said…

Over the next twelve months, I expect the following three things to occur: 1) “enterprise 2.0″ vendors will continue to learn that they must reconcile the internal/external solutions if they are going to truly address the needs of their enterprise customers; 2) there will NOT be a lot of growth in the “enterprise 2.0″ marketplace; 3) the innovators in the space will move aggressively toward the idea of a “service platform.” (Hat tip to Mike Gotta on this.)

Let me expound a bit:

1) Enterprise 2.0 vendors will learn that they must reconcile the internal and external solutions: Notice I say “learn,” not implement. The bottom line here is that any perception of difference between external solutions (social media) and internal solutions (collaboration) is just that - a difference in perception alone. Enterprises will not see the true ROI of these solutions unless vendors can offer them the “unified theory” of interaction and collaboration. I expect lots of “partnerships” that will see external and internal vendors working together in 2010. And I think that the core of where these solutions head will be around analytics and BI.

2) There will not be a lot of growth in the “enterprise 2.0″ marketplace in 2010: If anything, we’ll see consolidation in the market, as vendors either hold off on enterprise-wide implementation, or begin to enter the trough of disillusionment via implementations that are coming to fruition. What I’m NOT saying here is that enterprise 2.0 is a failure, or invalid, or anything like that. What I AM saying is that 2010 will not be some year of explosive growth/adoption for the solutions *as they currently stand.*

3) The innovators will move toward “service platforms”: the bleeding edge of this marketplace (be it external or internal) is going to move toward service platforms. Being a “platform” is a much different proposition than being an application, and the transition will destroy several companies. However, I think the move in that direction is nearly inevitable. Think “platform.” Just keep thinking “platform” — and how those platforms can integrate/spawn service marketplaces. Much more on this over the next year (obviously).

That’s my takeaway from 2009. My excitement for this space remains unabated heading into 2010, but I think a good dose of realism is called for when thinking about the “market” as a whole. Still, the innovators will innovate - and inevitably, they’ll be at Defrag 2010. ;-)


A product/solution idea?

by Eric Norlin on Dec.09, 2009, under Uncategorized

Yes, I know I owe everybody a “defrag wrap-up post” — and it’s coming. Believe it or not, it really does take my brain about a month to reboot after the conference (maybe I’m just slow that way). So, I’m coming back on-line and have some thoughts gleaned from this year’s show - stay tuned.

But that’s not why I’m blogging today. Nope, today is because I need you, dear reader, to help me find a solution for a friend.

My friend dropped me an email asking if I knew of any solutions out there that would help with nefarious evildoers that *pose* as his company on various social networks and use that false pretense to get information from his company’s customers (sensitive, transaction-related, financial information)….ie, is there a “anti-phishing” for social networks solution?

I don’t know of any off of the top of my head. I know of plenty “social media monitoring” tools, but have no idea if those tools have this early warning/alert capability that he’s looking for.

If you know of companies that do this, please email me (enorlin AT or leave a comment. This is literally a “I’m ready to purchase this” situation, so if it turns out that this solution doesn’t exist….well, I just gave you a product idea, didn’t I? ;-)


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