Defrag Blog

Archive for August, 2010

That Thing You Do

by Eric Norlin on Aug.06, 2010, under Uncategorized

I often get asked (by people who have just come to Defrag for the first time), “how do you guys get the great crowd that you get?” What they’re asking isn’t about numbers, or job titles, or budgets to spend (though all of those things are present). Rather, it’s about a really unique energy that the assembly of Defrag folks brings to the table.

Of course, I don’t have a good answer.

But yesterday, when I was sitting in TechStars Investor/Demo day (which was FABULOUS), one thing did hit me: we’re “startup guys” - and maybe that makes all of the difference in the world. By that I mean, Defrag is a bootstrapped startup. We’ve never taken in funding, or worked with pre-existing corporate budgets. Every year, we start from zero revenue. Every year, we hustle to pay the bills (from the ground up). In some senses, every year, Defrag is a brand new startup.

Now, it’s not that we don’t have large companies involved (we do; they rock), but for the most part, the units in those larger companies that are involved in Defrag have a “startup mentality” (Alcatel-Lucent, for example) — they’re out there doing just as much disruption as any startup.

All of this “startup energy” comes through. Defrag doesn’t need a “startup launchpad” to highlight startups; the whole friggin show is a startup launchpad that highlights startups. ;-)

I’m so excited about this year’s show that I can’t even convey it. The early content is amazing. The early sponsors are really bringing value to the table. And some of the things I’m planning for you guys are just cool (who wants a Gearbox ball?).

So, how is it that we get this “great crowd?” I’m not sure how we do that thing we do. But we do it.


Agenda Beginnings

by Eric Norlin on Aug.03, 2010, under Uncategorized

Sorry that I’ve been so absent as of late. Kim and I bought a new house, and as per usual, I completely underestimated the “time toll” that moving would take. Sometimes it really sucks being a workaholic (you just assume life should fit into the tiny moments you’re not working; that rarely happens).

In any case, I’m back and beginning to work on the Defrag agenda for this year (literally, sitting down to do the first draft right now). If you want to catch up on the thinking I’m using to frame this year, read all of the blog posts here.

As I’ve been talking to folks over the last month, I’ve only reconfirmed my own gut instincts: Defrag is in a unique position to be out in front of the industry trends (in some cases, leading the way - but only by the good graces of the “participants” - ie, you). For the past several years, Defrag has foreshadowed where the industry would head next year (and watched as other conferences and publications then came around to our way of thinking the following year), and I believe that will continue.

If you work in social media, social CRM, business intelligence, analytics, enterprise 2.0, semantic web (and a host of other things), and you’re *tired* of not getting your brain stretched, send me ideas (enorlin AT

I’ll get a first draft up in the next few days, and then WE will work together to bend, twist and pull that sucker until it becomes the right vehicle for this year’s defrag. All you’ve gotta do is be in touch.

In the meantime, check out some quotes from previous Defrag attendees (caution: tooting our own horn ahead):

“Defrag attracts an amazing group of people. The discussion is thoughtful and deep. This isn’t your typical conference. If you’re not a thinker who likes to participate, you shouldn’t attend.”

“Defrag is two very intense days of some of the smartest and thought provoking thinking about the use and impact of social information processing today.”

“Defrag is like the time machine to the year ahead.”

“Defrag is not a conference. It’s a mind-changing experience that keeps you thinking for weeks afterwards how to bring your game to the next level.”

“2009 was my second Defrag and, as a result, I am definitely more than 2x smarter. Defrag is becoming for our generation what Agenda was for the web’s early pioneers.”

“Most concentrated networking and progressive conference of the year.”

“The Next TED…. A conference in Denver where VC’s come to listen; Innovators come to learn and Marketers have their minds blown.”

“Defrag is the way a conference should be done. The energy is intimate, informative and on the edge all at the same time.”

“Defrag is simply awesome.”

Be sure to register today.


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