Like a double-stuffed Oreo
by Eric Norlin on May.06, 2008, under conference topics, speakers, sponsors
So much has been happening around Defrag as of late that, while I’ve been letting it all flow out through Twitter, I’ve neglected to update this space. So, a brain dump.
You should (by now) know that our advisory board includes:
Esther Dyson- Founder of PC Forum, and internet wise-person for as long as I’ve known the internet
Chris Shipley - The woman behind DEMO, and one of the smartest startup analysts I know
Paul Kedrosky - VC, TV-star (cnbc), and *the* smartest person I know about technology and all things financial services
Clay Shirky - Probably the most consistently inspiring internet “guru” around, and author of “Here Comes Everybody”
JP Rangaswami - Unquestionably, one of the leading “CIO-types” on the planet, and all around eclectic thinker
And, I’m extremely pleased to have all of them on board.
Recent sponsors that we’ve added include:
Connectbeam - enterprise social bookmarking and social networking
coComment - folks working on the conversation in the comments
Jive Software - enterprise collaboration and community software
blist - democratizing the database
HiveLive - Online community and social networking folks
MindTouch - Open Source wiki and content management
Fuser - tools for simplifying online activities
Talis - Semantic web application platform
….and several others that I can’t speak about yet.
We’ve also confirmed speakers like:
Professor William Duggan - Strategic Intuition and Defrag
Kevin Merritt - The Democratization of Data
Perry Mizota - Knowledge Networking and Ambient Intimacy
Sam Lawrence - On collaboration, analysts, going big and controversy
Charlene Li - Harnessing the Implicit Value of the Social Graph
Marty Betz - Observing the invisible through aggregating information tomography
Paul Miller - On Semantic topics and users connecting the dots
Brian Oberkirch - Under Sousveillance: Personal Informatics & Techniques of the Self
Lane Becker - Being like the internet
Puneet Gupta (and a great customer) - On rolling out a massive social bookmarking project
…and many others.
And, lastly, we KNOW we’re going to cover topics like:
Finding serendipitous information through context
Users connecting the dots - making the unstructured structured
Getting to relevancy through identity
Visualizing Data
Next-level discovery (what the hell does that mean?)
…and you can still tell us what we should add to this.
All of that, and its only May (so it only gets better from here). Needless to say, I’m psyched. And I hope you’ll join us.
May 6th, 2008 on 4:50 am
A “double-stuffed Oreo” would be a good thing, right?