#10: Next-gen email thinking
by Eric Norlin on Sep.12, 2008, under general
I’ve decided to do a series of posts highlighting 10 “reasons to come to Defrag,” though they’ll really be more about cool things happening at Defrag. And we’re off…
Reason #10: Next-gen email thinking
There are a bunch of things happening around the periphery at Defrag; stuff that enhances and expands upon what’s going on the in the sessions. One of those things is a Sunday evening dinner being hosted by Chris Wand of Foundry Group around “what’s next” in email (or “next-gen email,” or “email 2.0″ ). I’ve spoken with Chris about the topic and what he’s really wanting to focus on and think about is how email can do a better job of handling things in an enterprise-setting. But I think it crosses over to the user-side as well.
Chris is planning to head out to dinner on Sunday eve at a local Denver-area restaurant and spend a few hours digging into the topic. We’ll be sending out a notice to all registered Defrag attendees letting them know about the dinner logistics - and I think Chris will end up limiting it to a specific number (or if we go over a reasonable number, splitting into various parties).
Following the dinner, we’ll have a BIG discussion about “fixing foundational information channels” at Defrag - where we’ll be taking on email, calendaring, RSS, — and everything we can do to re-imagine those tools.
That’s one of many things happening around Defrag that I’ll try to expose over the next few days. In the meantime, be sure to join us.