Reason #5: Transparency is the new black
by Eric Norlin on Sep.23, 2008, under conference topics
As I’ve been blogging today, I think that “transparency” is about to become the new “black” (similar to what “compliance” and “governance” became in the wake of Enron and the legislation of Sarbox).
All of which leads me to reason #5 to come to defrag: over the next 12 months, you WILL see a ton of the “collaboration” and “enterprise 2.0″ vendors that are sponsors of Defrag become companies that help other companies get “more transparent.” Now, much as I’d love to say that my Keyser Soze brain saw this all in a vision 24 months ago, that’s just not true. Events on wall street are creating a big storm around the issue of transparency, and Defrag will be the leading tip of the spear (conference-wise) this fall.
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