A product/solution idea?
by Eric Norlin on Dec.09, 2009, under Uncategorized
Yes, I know I owe everybody a “defrag wrap-up post” — and it’s coming. Believe it or not, it really does take my brain about a month to reboot after the conference (maybe I’m just slow that way). So, I’m coming back on-line and have some thoughts gleaned from this year’s show - stay tuned.
But that’s not why I’m blogging today. Nope, today is because I need you, dear reader, to help me find a solution for a friend.
My friend dropped me an email asking if I knew of any solutions out there that would help with nefarious evildoers that *pose* as his company on various social networks and use that false pretense to get information from his company’s customers (sensitive, transaction-related, financial information)….ie, is there a “anti-phishing” for social networks solution?
I don’t know of any off of the top of my head. I know of plenty “social media monitoring” tools, but have no idea if those tools have this early warning/alert capability that he’s looking for.
If you know of companies that do this, please email me (enorlin AT mac.com) or leave a comment. This is literally a “I’m ready to purchase this” situation, so if it turns out that this solution doesn’t exist….well, I just gave you a product idea, didn’t I?