Defrag Speakers on Distracted Enterprise
by Eric Norlin on Nov.12, 2010, under Uncategorized
We’re four days from Defrag, and I wanted to call your attention to the beginnings of a conversation that will take place during and after the show.
Our friends at Mainsoft have set up a blog called “Distracted Enterprise” (good stuff), and we’ve asked speakers to begin posting thoughts about their Defrag sessions there. It’s a great way to begin a conversation that I hope continues far after the show is over.
As an example, check out Stowe Boyd’s post on “Social Cognition” (the topic of Stowe’s Defrag keynote):
We are in a time of great research on social cognition, but the biggest testing ground is on the web, where literally billions of people are connecting on an unprecedented scale. All too often we try to reduce what is happening there to ‘collaboration.’ But calling what goes on when people are connected by social tools to ‘collaboration’ is like calling the experience of going to college ‘studying’. There’s a whole lot more going on, and we are seeing all sorts of research that challenges conventional wisdom about what works best in business, media, education, and on the personal level.
It’s worth checking out the whole thing, and keeping an eye on the space.
Oh, and you can still join us at Defrag.